AGWB Constitution Update
Updated July 2014;
Here is the constitution ratified at the AGM 2014:
UPDATED 10 April 2014:
The following is a page summary of the major changes that have been made to the constitution and will be presented this at the AGM in 2 weeks
Message from the Vice President, Hamish Dublon
Notice is herby given to all members of a major change to the AGWB constitution. Please go on to the AGWB website ( and read new draft constitution and committee reference document before the AGM next month.
Over the course of the last year I have been very busy with updating, modernising and redrafting the constitution of the Guild.
The old document (that is our current constitution) is full of spelling mistakes and errors, is incredibly wordy, and now very badly out of date.
I have taken the time to rewrite most sections removing errors, simplify wording, and trying to bring it all up to date. The new documents reflect how we currently conduct Guild business and operation. We have also inserted clauses to try to make provision for moving towards incorporated society status. To make the constitution document more readable it has now been split into 2 documents, the constitution itself that deals with the running of the guild and a separate committee reference document that roles and responsibilities for those on the committee.
After quite a bit of consultation with the current committee, and lots of feedback we now have a draft document that we think will provide a good basis for operation and management of the Guild. We now need to ratify these documents at the AGM in April. Granted it is not the most exciting read of your life but I value any feedback. I have a long and very detailed list of all the changes that I have made to the constitution. I will happily share this document with anyone who is interested.
A small number of paper copies of the new proposed constitution will be distributed at the AGM and all members will be asked to vote on its acceptance.
I could happily sit for 5 hours at the AGM and debate the finer points of the constitution. However in the interest of brevity and sanity this would bore you all to death. It will not be possible to debate each separate change without being there for hours. Please take the time to read the documents on the website, so we do not have a 6 hour AGM.
If you have feedback, or any changes that you would like me to include in the document, I would be very pleased to have them. Please email me the exact wording that you would like changed and justification for doing so. All constitutional changes must be fixed 3 weeks before the AGM, so the deadline to provide me feedback is next Monday 31st March.
Please take the time to read the new documents so we can have a nice speedy AGM.