BrewBot hopes its machine will make craft-beer brewing a breeze
DUBLIN — Today, swanky offices offer employees high-end coffee machines as a job perk. Tomorrow, if a startup called BrewBot gets its way, a beer-making machine might stand next to it.
The company, based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, plans to begin selling its brewing machines in early 2016, said Adam Robertson, vice president of product at BrewBot. The company was brewing a batch at the Web Summit tech conference here, but those who want to try it themselves can sign up for the $4,000 device on the Kickstarter crowdfunding site. The eventual price for post-Kickstarter sales hasn’t yet been set, Robertson said Tuesday, but the company hopes to find a market among hip startups and the home-brew crowd. You can currently preorder the device for around $3,400 or £2,200 including shipping.
BrewBot hopes its machine will make craft-beer brewing a breeze