NZ Pale Ale – Mark Jackman
Nice beer built off the Little Creatures clone which took out AGWB BOY. Nice malt but the hop may
be a little lacking, shame I didnt have the time to dry hop the beer as it would have benefitted. Kohatu seems to be
a bit bland, not the punchbowl flavours I was looking for, needed the Riwaka which I had intended but Mike was
all out for the year. Not a bad beer with nice appearance although a little chill haze with moderate lacing but
overall an uneventful beer and just didnt have the hops we should have gone for. Little Creatures with less
favourable NZ hops would be a good comparison. Improved as it warms but the lack of aroma really holds the beer
back. Good gateway beer. As it warms it improves, bottom half of the pint would probably score more like 40 as
the hops come out, the carbonation drops and the dry finish from the gypusm appears, subtle but well crafted.